DIY or Don't We?: A Zine About Community

DIY or Don't We?: A Zine About Community

by nicki sabalu Author

Nicki, who formerly brought us Crescent City Stories, is back with another zine called DIY or Don't We. It's a zine that's roughly encompassed by the idea of community. Inside, various members of the Washington State DIY community talk about the ways they work together. Amy Adoyzie tells how being a boisterous cocky teenager landed her a column-writing gig for Razorcake. We learn how some feminists build community in Bellingham, and about a collective gardening project in Spokane. Meta writes about moving from Cambodia to Bangladesh for University and how she and the other 7 women from Cambodia bonded, and Emmie explains a little about the Olympia Film Society. Nicki has edited together a diverse set of voices, and is already hard at work collecting submissions for a second issue.  

Comments & Reviews


“Here we have thirty-nine pages screaming of cuteness; regular people like me or you discussing community and togetherness through memories of firsts or about the little groups they are in and how you can make a difference. The feel-good stories inside can make even the grumpiest feel a little smug and secure for even a moment. Razorcake’s own Amy Adoyzie contributes a column as well, however I found the soup recipe inside to be of most value to me, with the temperatures dropping and all. To each his or her own. Right? Community!”