The Healthy Relationships Workbook: Understanding Yourself so You Can Understand Others and Strengthen Your Communication

The Healthy Relationships Workbook: Understanding Yourself so You Can Understand Others and Strengthen Your Communication

by Lori Henry Author

Do you feel like your relationship is stuck? If you're struggling to communicate, to understand your partner and feel understood by them, fighting a lot, or just want to make sure you're building the foundation for a healthy relationship, the exercises in this workbook zine can help! Therapist Lori Henry takes an an inclusive, accessible approach to teaching individuals and couples to be proactive and build forward, positive momentum in their partnerships. Includes exercises you can do by yourself to help you better understand your own perspective and needs and others that you can complete with a partner to help get to know each other better and build your communication and listening skills. Try something new and uncover the multilayered joy of a healthy relationship!

  • The Healthy Relationships Workbook: Understanding Yourself so You Can Understand Others and Strengthen Your Communication image #1
  • The Healthy Relationships Workbook: Understanding Yourself so You Can Understand Others and Strengthen Your Communication image #2