Homeland Insecurity (DVD)
HERE NOW! Dreamwhip’s Bill Brown returns with 3 new films! The Other Side explores US/Mexico immigration issues and activist groups that supply water and rides to people crossing the border – who are stranded or lost in the desert. At a time when border politics and immigration are all over the news, it’s great to get an independent, emotional, and real piece of film about what is going on. Bill is more like a silent observer showing us what he sees and narrates in a manner that is informative without being totally detached. “Hub City” is a short about Lubbock, TX – the home of Buddy Holly and trajectories of death and small towns. AA Trailer is a goofy short about the joy of film making for The Ann Arbor Film Festival. Shot beautifully on real film, these experimental documentaries represent a hometown of past, present, or future.