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Joe Biel is a self-made autistic publisher and filmmaker who draws origins, inspiration, and methods from punk rock to sell millions of books. Biel is the founder and CEO of Microcosm Publishing, Publishers Weekly's #1 fastest-growing publisher of 2022 and #3 in 2023/2024, and WorkingLit, the software responsible for Microcosm's aforementioned success—now available for other publishers. Biel has been featured in Time, Esquire, Art of Autism, Reading Glasses, Bulletproof Radio, Spectator (Japan), G33K (Korea), and Maximum Rocknroll, as well as NPR and PBS. Biel is the author of A People's Guide to Publishing, Autism Relationships Handbook, Unfuck Your Business, Enduring Legacy of Portland's Black Panthers, and dozens more. Biel is the director of five feature films and hundreds of short films, including Aftermass: Bicycling in a Post-Critical Mass Portland, $100 & a T-Shirt, and the Groundswell series. Biel lives in Portland, OR.
Unfuck Your Nonprofit: Change the World Without Losing Your Mind or Values
by Dr. Faith G. Harper Author and Joe Biel Author
Idealists, gather round! How do you pursue your passionate cause to the fullest while still meeting your own needs? How…
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Cozy Portland: A Southeast Neighborhood Vibes Guide to Richmond and Sunnyside
by Elly Blue Author and Joe Biel Author
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$20 Superpack: Teen Liberation
by Super Pack! Author, Dawson Barrett Author, Elly Blue Author, Joe Biel Author, Bill Brent Author, Wendy Ayotte Author and CrimethInc Author
We know teens aren't the apathetic, disengaged, phone-addicted youngsters society wants to paint them as. Teens give a…
$42.75 $20.00
Flame Wars: Personal Opinions That Are Unnecessarily Controversial
by Joe Biel Author and Elly Blue Author
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Public Speaking for the Awkward & Overwhelmed
by Elly Blue Author and Joe Biel Author
Have you ever clammed up, lost your train of thought, or stumbled over a word during a presentation? Maybe you've beaten…
Pre-OrderCriminal or Hero?: Relatable Crimes of Modern Times
by Elly Blue Author and Joe Biel Author
Righteous, hapless, misguided, or unlucky—these law-breaking incidents will make you laugh, frown, scratch your head,…
Add to CartHow to Pack for a Trip
by Joe Biel Author and Elly Blue Author
Do you have travel anxiety that ramps up before you leave? Let's tackle that, especially when it comes to packing your…
Add to Cart$30 Superpack: Cleveland Stories
by Nick Perry Author, Super Pack! Author, Jason Look Author, Joe Biel Author, Eric Sandy Author and Ken Blaze Author
Ah, Cleveland. Chronically misunderstood, underappreciated, and lost in the shuffle with the other Ohio cities that…
$44.85 $30.00
Trans-Galactic Bike Ride: Feminist Bicycle Science Fiction Stories of Transgender and Nonbinary Adventurers
by Elly Blue Series Editor, Charlie Jane Anders Contributor, M. Darusha Wehm Contributor, Tucker Lieberman Contributor, Ether Nepenthes Contributor, 3 more
2021 Lambda Literary Award Finalist Take a ride with us as we explore a future where trans and nonbinary people are…
$14.99 8 comments
View Details Quick ShopNeurodivergent Pride #14: Mutual Aid (What Autistic Minds Can Teach Each Other and the World)
by Joe Biel Author, Andrew Coltrin Author, Eliot Daughtry Illustrator and Theresa Pizza Author
Mutual aid has received more attention as a radical tactic lately, especially in the wake of the uprisings and protest…
View Details Quick ShopYou're Messy Enough: Affirming Words
by Joe Biel Author and Elly Blue Illustrator
Are you perpetually trying to get organized? Do you feel overwhelmed by wanting to be incredibly productive, have a…
Add to CartBeyond the Bookshelf: How to Sell Books, Zines & Cool Literature in Your Store—and Change the World!
by Larry Law Illustrator, Elly Blue Author and Joe Biel Author
Got a store? Looking for new ways to sell books and zines, or to start carrying reading material to begin with?…
Add to CartSticker #623You can normalize trash picking
by Joe Biel Author
Trash picking and dumpster diving reduce waste. Plus, people will find all kinds of creative uses for the things you…
$2.50 2 comments
Add to CartSticker #621Fiction: Historical Lies, Emotional Truths
by Joe Biel Author
They say the victors are usually the ones who write history. That's led to centuries of white supremacy, misogyny, and…
View Details Quick ShopSticker #619Dumpster Fires are the purifying light of a better world being born
by Joe Biel Author
Burn, baby, burn, it's a dumpster inferno! Burn it all down and rise from the ashes to make the world a better…
Add to CartSticker #620Readers Have Choices
by Joe Biel Author
Readers have choices! For example, you chose to read this description. And should be able to choose whatever you want to…
Add to CartSticker #624do cops storming colleges realize they will only create more folk music?
by Joe Biel Author
Music has been a central part of protest for a long, long time. And at this rate, we're going to have inspiration for a…
Add to CartMutual Aid, Not Mutual Funds
by Joe Biel Author
Throw each other a life preserver sometimes, because we're all in this together.Put this magnet on your fridge, your…
Add to CartUtopian Witch
by Joe Biel Author
A utopian witch believes in a better, more magical, and more solarpunk future. Put this enamel pin on your jacket, vest,…
Add to CartSticker #609The Underground Is Bigger than the Mainstream
by Joe Biel Author
One of Joe's most memorable quotes, in sticker form! Slap this vinyl sticker on your guitar case, helmet, a light pole,…
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