silhouette of a man showing his lymphatic system extending into a sapling growing from an open hand reaching forward

The Self-Care Guide to Surgery: A BodyMindCORE Approach to Prevention, Preparation and Recovery

by Noah Karrasch Author and David Frizell Illustrator

This is a book for people who don't want to have surgery and want to avoid it by making lifestyle changes, doing some emotionally therapeutic work, and embarking on a course of physical therapy. The author is a massage therapist who uses his bodywork expertise to teach a patented, holistic approach to maintaining your health, avoiding surgery if possible, and rebuilding and rehabilitating after surgery, along with advice on communicating with doctors, building your support network, and making decisions about pain management and medication. Illustrations and clear descriptions walk you through the specific recommended exercises, which are primarily focused on the core of your body, from head to groin. Note that if you're considering elective or affirming surgery, you'll find some good tips here on preparing for a healthy surgery and successful recovery, but it's all in the context of questioning the need for most surgeries.