The Zine Yearbook #4

The Zine Yearbook #4

by Jen Angel Author

Like a fanzine grab bag, the Zine Yearbook is a collection of reprints from some people's favorite picks of zines published in a given year. This collection from 1999 represents a powerful time capsule of zines that would otherwise be lost, forgotten, or confined to the closets of those lucky enough to find them in their original incarnations. Let's face it - zines disappear and are very difficult to replace! Collected zines in these pages include Complete Control, Spectacle, Fucktooth, Ten Things Jesus Wants You to Know, Scenery, Doris, Antipathy, Here Be Dragons, Slave, Temp Slave, Yard Wide Yarns, Wonderful Broken Thing, and many more. Highlights include instructional articles, personal stories of Abortion, the Columbine shootings, extensive interviews with owners of independent stores, Vanilla Ice, Fugazi, and Brian D (Catharsis, Crimethinc). An excellent grouping with a series of articles for virtually any reader. "This is a book about zines. This is about recognizing the truly amazing stuff we've created that exists in the underground."

Once this copy is gone, we won't be getting in any more so grab it fast!