The Three Sex Styles: Find Adventure, Connection, and Bliss by Understanding Yourself and Your Partner

by Brooke Norton Author

Have you ever had a partner who you connected with on every level... but the sex just fell flat? Many couples who check every box for each other in terms of romance, attraction, trust, and respect find themselves frustrated by sexual incompatibilities that are often hard to clearly define. Sex therapist Brooke Norton hit the books and spoke with dozens of people who opened up about their sex lives, and she offers a theory that does much to explain these bedroom mismatches, as well as pointing the way to blissful reconciliation. She offers three sexual styles for us to consider: Adventurers, Connectors, and Trancers. Candid descriptions and stories from a diverse range of people who identify strongly with each style, as well as those who resonate with with multiple styles, make this book endlessly fascinating and relatable for anyone who's ever wondered why some sex is meh and how to make it amazing.