a whole lot of zines

$80 Superpack: Dr. Faith's Five-Minute Therapy

by Dr. Faith G. Harper Author and Super Pack! Author

We've had a request for a superpack containing all the books that Dr. Faith Harper has published, and voila, here it is! Kind of. She's prolific so this is pretty much going to be perpectually out of date (for instance, it doesn't include her workbooks or her many, many zines).

This pack contains some of the most popular books by Dr. Faith (we may swap out newer ones if we are out of stock on some of these):

Unfuck Your Brain

Unfuck Your Intimacy

- This is Your Brain on Anxiety

This is Your Brain on Depression (the flip side of anxiety, and is it ever a doozy)

Unfuck Your Adulting (because we could all use a refresher on this art form)

Coping Skills

- Unfuck Your Anger

- Unfuck Your Boundaries

- Unfuck Your Year

Just want a few helpful things? Here's a 5 zine (and one book) starter pack.

Want a selection to sell in your store or office? Here's our countertop display box of some of Dr. Faith's bestselling zines and books