Background photo of a bison grazing on the plains, with more bison off in the distance

Return of the Bison : A Story of Survival, Restoration, and a Wilder World

by Roger Di Silverstro Author

The history of the Bison is one rooted in colonialism and subsequently environmental degradation and decline. As such, the bison has also become the model species for demonstrating species conservation, featuring key efforts to saving this species from the brink of extinction. In tandem, this species' survival has been linked to the preservation of the indigenous communities and their cultures. This is the story of how the very plight of the bison helped spearhead the very notion of what conservation work has become. As such, the author also takes a look into the story of European Bison, their comeback from near extinction in the early 20th century which survived only in captivity and are the ancestors to modern day cattle. The efforts of the European bison then pose the question if it is possible at all to save the American species while rewilding them -- without the need to keep them solely in captivity, to ensure their ability to survive outside of fences and domesticity.