The Science of Why

The Science of Why

Comments & Reviews


A small action against McDonalds is going to leave the rich in their place, however, a million small actions against McDonalds will disrupt them. Disrupt them so much that they will reform some questionable policies to keep rebellions in check. Don't listen to cynics who attempt to discredit you and make you feel like your not getting anywhere. You are. EVERY ACTION COUNTS! We are a community, it is shocking to see fellow anti-capitalists arguing over whether gluing locks works. Who cares if it works, let's destroy their locks because they torture animals, not just because we want to dismantle capitalism


It is a good field guide but think twice before getting into troubole and listen to Norstein Beckler, there are better ways of handling the situation. The capitalist system cannot be overthrown by breaking windows and destroying cars. If you wanna go and have a fun night out though, this book is for you.


This zine is amazing. I read it and was inspired to act, and I discussed it with some coworkers at the school I worked at, and they told me that this had actually been used as one of the textbooks for one of our environmentalist classes, a few years before. I carry mine with me everywhere, because you never know when it will come in handy... or when inspiration will strike.


If you are interrested check out


It is fine & most likely correct to criticize the inflated consumerist//materialist lifestyle of the middle to upper classes, but this book is designed to create activists who are just going to get their asses thrown in jail for imagining that they are toppling the big problems by doing small actions. This sort of activism is performed by hopeless teenagers & frustrated college students who feel that they lack control over the world. Guess what, you'll still lack control after gluing the locks of McDonalds & being thrown in jail.