
Guillermo del Toro Cabinet of Curiosities: My Notebooks, Collections, and Other Obsessions

by Guillermo del Toro Author and Marc Zicree Author

An intimate look into one of the most imaginative minds of this century, Guillermo del Toro's Cabinet of Curiosities reproduces the notes, drawings, creatures, ideas of things to come that fill the director's fabled illustrated notebooks. Beginning with a book-length interview of del Toro by Marc Scott Zicree, in which they identify and discuss del Toro’s reigning themes (clockwork monsters, parent-child relationships, the use of ancient tomes), this book explores signature motifs originating from the notebooks, and which have influenced the artists, cinematographers, and comic writers with whom del Toro has worked. Also included are del Toro’s own personal inspirations, including literary references, old films, and mythological figures. Accompanying this rich mixture of imagery, narrative explorations, and notes are translations of del Toro’s personal blend of Spanish and English, as well as additional and insightful annotations.