Protest Knits
by Geraldine Warner Author
This book of knitting projects continues the long history of knitting in protesting. The proliferation of pussy hats in recent years is just part of a much longer tradition of crafty activism. Around the world, knitters have been at the forefront of social change, from the Knitting Nannas in Austraila to Wool Against Weapons activists in the UK, or even the stereotype-breaking hombres tejedores (knitting men) in Chile, this book will connect today's activist knitters with a long international tradition. From protest scarfs to voodoo dolls, these patterns will help you work out your issues with wool and change the world with needles and hooks. Lots of projects that show how knitting for change is a global activity.
(This book may contain a small, black sharpie mark on the bottom edge, so that it can't be returned to a different wholesaler.)
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