
Made From Scratch: Discovering the Pleasures of a Handmade Life

by Jenna Woginrich Author

Author Jenna Woginrich started this project out of equal parts admiration and frustration: admiration for small farmers and frustration with a consumeristic world that moves too fast and creates too much waste. Woginrich reasoned that learning a few basic country skills and ditching consumer culture could take her back to a simpler time, with simple pleasures like eating vegetables and wearing clothes you've grown and made yourself. This book is the account of Woginrich's journey, and a call for the reader to take up the same DIY mantle. Learn how to take care of your own needs and extricate yourself from the web of consumerism with this guide to homesteading and account of one woman's experience of leaving the fast-paced world behind. No matter where you live or how much experience or knowledge you have, it is possible to make yourself a little more self-sufficient.

(This title may contain a sharpie mark on the top or bottom edge and may show mild signs of shelfwear.)

  • hardcover. a collage made from various scraps of paper and luggage tags with an image of a tractor and a photo of some mountains with the title text pasted on letter by letter