Picture of a masked tearful person holding a dog, in a graphite-like, black and white style

Terrorists or Freedom Fighters? Reflections on the Liberation of Animals

by Steven Best Editor and Anthony J. Nocella Editor

This anthology covers the history, politics, tactics and ethics of a few different animal rights activist organizations and movements — covering perspectives from the academics and activists on the field alike, offering insights into the movements and where they stand in the liberation for animals. The book will extend its scope all the way back to biblical figures who advocated for the respect of animal lives all the way to how the Patriot Act have changed the game in the fight; This book was published in 2004, where its scope ends. A look into the past, this book will examine the philosophy behind common terms in this field of activism — looking into definitions of terrorism, democracy, and freedom, ultimately evincing the values and assumptions stored in these cultural concepts.