The Day After Roswell
by William J. Birnes Author and Philip J. Corso Author
Phillip Corso was an army Colonel who was assigned to work at a strange, supposedly extraterrestrial spacecraft crash site in Roswell, New Mexico in 1947. In his new book, he now tells the whole story. He describes the strange artifacts removed from the crash site and how they were used by the military to improve much of the technology our modern world relies on, like fiber optic cables, circuit chips, and more. He writes about the stunning discovery of that crash, the government's response, and the cover-up of a potential encounter with aliens from beyond our planet.
(This book may contain a sharpie mark on the top or bottom edge and may show mild signs of shelfwear.)
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Comments & Reviews
Beauty and empowerment are about personal CHOICE. I occasionally wear make-up, but not because without it I feel naked or inadequate. Yes, it sucks that society attempts to make me believe that, as a woman, I need something artificial to meet normative beauty "standards". At the same time, if I want to wear make-up, letting society's beauty standards deter me from doing so is just another means of allowing other people dictate how I present myself.
Wow, for such a socialist site I can't believe you'd degrade women in such a fashion.
regardless of the disclaimer, the message of this shirt is inaccurately executed. sometimes being politically correct becomes counter-productive, especially when it focuses on negating what is viewed as conventional standards of beauty. some people are ugly. let's move on, and get the fuck over it.
i think some people are missing the point. yes, there are many ways to wear makeup, and many are about self-expression. i think this shirt is more directed towards people who have been taught it is the only way to be beautiful is to buy a bunch of crap and put it on your face, cover up who you really are. clowning up your face is self-expression, but lets challenge standardized beauty being shoved down so many people's throats, and then have fun!
I think there's different ways to wear makeup. I really hate the idea that a woman's skin is supposed to be free of pores and blemishes and look airbrushed. At the same time, I love tacky eyeshadow and glitter and applying makeup for fun. I think it's the difference between applying makeup to look like you aren't wearing any (aka to look like you simply don't have freckles/pores/features) versus applying makeup to make yourself look different (aka wearing that neon yellow eyeshadow and having fun with it).
I don't think that makeup is a bad thing. If you have uneven skin, invisible or nonexistent lashes, or something else that irks you, why not use some makeup if it makes you look and thus feel better? As for the image that makeup creates, I couldn't agree more with this site that the over-use of makeup in the media especially creates a harmful image for women. I say this after viewing a site on celebrities without makeup, and I was astonished by the overly-negative comments about even celebrities that looked like ordinary people without makeup (some people were calling even those that looked pretty good without makeup ugly!). It seems that constantly being exposed to artificially-achieved perfection leads some people to view the natural human face as "lacking."
I personally think that too much makeup (i.e. makeup that looks obvious), especially dark and dramatic eye-makeup, looks vulgar. Before you disagree with me, look at Pamela Anderson.
Yeah, i've disliked this shirt for as long as it's been on this website. I thought this was about being non-judgemental. Let people do what they want to be themselves, what does MAKEUP have to do with it? I'm glad it's finally gone. Way to be in your face...way to preach. Not cool at all.
"Makeup can be fun. I think a better point would be: stop judging women and let them make choices for themselves and decide for themselves what is and isn't empowering"...THANK YOU GRRRL!
It is so disapointing to hear people say that they are not going to respect a person just because they choose to wear makeup. It is the persons choice whether they want to wear makeup or not, and should not in any way be disrespected for it. I prefer the natural style myself, but there are certain times where I decide to wear a little makeup, either way I feel confident and love myself. If wearing makeup makes a woman feel empowered, than why judge her? When did this "scene" become so judgmental? What happened to solidarity?
I really do find make-up ugly I think that girls and guys look alot better without it. If you choose to wear make-up realize that your supporting products that are for the most part made from animal products. If you still want to wear make-up after that I don’t call it empowering or feminist I call putting looks over morals. If you choose to wear make-up thats your choice but dont act like we should respect it.
I like this shirt. I stopped wearing make up a while ago. I fully intend to buy this shirt soon.
It sounds like it's saying that when you wear make-up you are putting something ugly on, therefore making yourself look bad. That is opressive and offensive. I think this shirt is totally anti-feminist.
Read under the title on both the shirt and site.
i agree with andytoomajian!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How about a "make-up looks lovely... on my BOYFRIEND" shirt?
Don't be fucking Nazis. Let these people do what they want. If it feels good to be a little bit make-upped, its ok. Dont judge. Freedom to all!
Totally agree with grrrl. Like any form of expression, it is the choice of an individual and does not necessarily degrade a person.
Thank you, grrrl! Well said.
Makeup can be fun. I think a better point would be: stop judging women and let them make choices for themselves and decide for themselves what is and isn't empowering.
So comfy. Best thing ever.
This shirt is the coolest thing I own.
I'd like to know what it says under the picure.
I wore makeup because everyone told me I was ugly. I stopped wearing makeup because everyone told me it was ugly. Or maybe I didn't. I bet you think this song is about you.
Yea well, I enjoy wearing make-up. I think it's fun and creative and I get a big kick out of applying neon yellow eyeshadow and clowning up my face. I also spend many days without it and love myself just the same. As for "supporting the industry", I can't win them all I suppose. I just can't stand the different looks I get at so called anarchist meetings just because my face isn't natural at all times...
I agree with this shirt. I'm in my 30's and I don't wear makeup. I personally can't stand it. And...I still feel beautiful!!
What does the small print say?
Any other colors, possibly?
Just get the XL and resize it diy-style..
bring this shirt back please - margaret
i cannot wait for this in a smaller size-
this shirt is GREAT!
You really do need some more of these in stock.... I want a small..
Could you guys get different sizes back in stock pleeeeaaaaaaaase? I love this shirt and I need a small.
ps you guys rock
"Wearing make up supports the harmful standards of beauty produced by the cosmetics and advertising agencies."
Stealing make up obviously supports a system of supply and demand, just as buying a product does. More materials are used to manufacture it, more is produced to compensate for this "demand", and insurance foots the bill for the theft.