Illustration of a moon in what very well could be a well maybe?

Moon in the Well: Wisdom Tales to Transform Your Life, Family, and Community

by Erica Helm Meade Author and David Abram Author

This unique anthology contains stories with themes and stories for everyone taken from all over the globe. The Theme Index includes subjects like Devotion, Domestic Violence, Dispute Resolution, Envy and Jealousy, Fairness, Inner Beauty, Love Triangles, Revenge, Self Reliance, Sibling Rivalry, Truthfulness and Walking One's Talk. Teachers can use them in the classroom, and indeed after each story the author provides examples of how to use the stories, and readers can find wisdom and room for self-improvement from the Wisdom Tales.

(This book may contain a sharpie mark on the top or bottom edge and may show mild signs of shelfwear.)