faux textured beige background, with the outline of a side profile, within which is the image of a moon between a pair of mountains.

Alpine Rising: Sherpas, Baltis, and the Triumph of Local Climbers in the Greater Ranges

by Bernadette McDonald Author

For people who like getting their history more right, this is the story of the frequently unrecognized sherpas and mountain guides whose role is paramount in expeditions to the highest peaks. Take for example Maurice Herzog, the first documented person who reached the summit of the highest peak in Annapurna -- but what of the story of the sherpa that carried a frostbitten Herzog for miles on his back? Early accounts often fail to mention the role of these local guides in vitally assisting explorers on their journeys to some of the most perilous mountains; the author's goal is to set the record straight and give recognition to these guides who themselves face peril and sometimes tragic endings. Local Nepalese, Pakistani, and Tibetan guides have often been the key to success in the past and remain the guardians and modern-day under appreciated teachers of those who seek the climb.