Artwork of the goddess Freya with an intertwining border strips

Seidr Magic: The Norse Tradition of Divination and Trance

by Dean Kirkland Author

This book is a guide to learning and practicing the Norse shamanic tradition of Seiðr. Distinct from the practice of Nordic Rune divination, Seiðr focuses on achieving a trance state, practicing healing, divination techniques and fate altering, and notably has a practice of soul retrieval. This practical guide explores the history of the practices, noting that this practice has been reconstructed through documentation and artifacts of the Viking Age. He’ll outline the tools that are required to practice and the different techniques involved in carrying out rituals. He’ll dive into working with ancestral relations, and the aspects that this has with exploring this form of shamanism’s relationship with death and the soul. He’ll discusses how there’s a misconception that this a form of witchcraft and how it’s closer to shamanism — and dispels the belief that Seiðr was reserved for women and how it can be practiced regardless of gender.