Plague doctor image surrounded by bacterial and virus motifs anthropomorphized to various degrees, with happy rats holding paws in the background.

Plague-Busters! Medicine's Battles With History's Deadliest Diseases

by Lindsey Fitzharris Author and Adrian Teal Author

Plagues have plagued humans to the point where life was a gruesome tail of boils and humors -- not the funny kind, even through this is a pun. This book intended for readers 8 to 12 will teach them the basics and some of the slimy details of the more well-known maladies throughout human history: Scurvy, the bubonic plague, smallpox, cholera. After all, readers of this age have already been exposed to the recent history and present of the COVID-19 pandemic.

This will take them to the further past before the peculiarities of our own times, written in the wit of Dr. Fitzharris - an expert in the history of science and medicine that frequently writes for pop-culture media outlets.