Quadrille background with skeuomorphic gravity showing stickers filling the bottom of the cover with astrologically themed stickers featured in the book.

So. Many. Astrology Stickers.: 2565 Stickers for Zodiac Lovers

by Pipsticks® Author and Workman® Author

Did you just get a snazzy new journal, to document your life: everything and all from your mercurial retrogrades and saturnal returns? If you’d like to add pizzaz to this hypothetical journal this might be a good resource for you. Would you like to have your water bottle feature your big-three so you can nonchalantly advertise the info to a hypothetical date (good hydration is a green flag)? This might be just what you’re looking for. Just be careful your big three aren’t something best shared with the world later. Regardless, this sticker collection will let you bring zodiac flair to your everyday objects, to your knick knacks, or even on that street sign to let the world know that Aries must be stopped. Just kidding.