Does Monogamy Work? (The Big Idea Series): A Primer for the 21st Century
by Luke Brunning Author
This installment of the Big Idea Series takes a present and historical look at the concept of monogamy: a where we were and how it's going. It naturally juxtaposes this with non monogamous, polyamorous, forms of relationships, considering the historic benefits and development of the cultural practice of monogamy and the ways in which it's failing, where there's situational dissatisfaction (adultery, divorce, etc). This volume asks whether or not monogamy is a natural development and surveys the ways in which even what constitutes monogamy has looked different across time. In this assessment of a great part of our interpersonal worlds, this book contains many color images and diagrams to explain kinship -- in ways that make us wonder what monogamy (and what isn't) can look like.
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