colored panel depicting people in different positions and stances during pickleball

The Complete Book of Pickleball

by Kurt Brungardt Author, Brett Brungardt Author and Mike Brungardt Author

This guide to one of the fastest-growing recreational sports in the US, this book will teach the reader about pickleball — exploring the fitness benefits of the sport, techniques, and precautions to take when training. While very beginner-friendly for many, pickleball can provide a demanding workout. The authors will focus on all levels of skill and share their wisdom from training methods utilized in the NBA and Olympic tennis instruction to encourage all players to be more athletic and resistant to injury. In addition to the sport itself, the authors have included other trainings and form of exercise to reach full pickleball potential — providing a comprehensive workout program intended to not be daunting, with flexibility and fun; in addition they provide warm-up routines, mental techniques to up your game, and nutritional advice to optimize performance as well as fueling and recovery.