picture of a vietnamese woman on a bicycle

Pocket Guide to Vietnam, 1962: Reproduced from the Original Issued by Armed Forces Information & Education, US Department of Defense.

by Bodleian Library Editor and Bruns Grayson Foreword

For most Americans in the 1960s, Vietnam was a distant land. Yet, hundreds of thousands of young Americans fought and lived with the Vietnamese people. To ease culture shock, the Department of Defense created A Pocket Guide to Vietnam, 1962, a compact crash course in Vietnamese culture.

Republished with original illustrations and a new foreword by a US Army captain who served in Vietnam, the guide takes readers on a tour of Vietnamese culture, customs, geography, and politics. It offers wisdom like “Don’t think Americans know everything” and “Remember that you’re in a land where dignity, restraint, and politeness are highly regarded.” The guide aimed to instill understanding and respect for the Vietnamese people, crucial for the war’s success and shedding light on its political aspirations.

(This book may contain a sharpie mark on the top or bottom edge and may show mild signs of shelfwear.)