black background with gold and white lettering and a gold silhouette of LeBron James

The Whore of Akron: One man's search for the soul of LeBron James

How well do we really know the celebrities and athletes that we can care so deeply about? Cleveland sports devotee Scott Raab brings us on his journey between Miami and Cleveland to discover the "soul" of LeBron James and attempt to unravel James's controversial decision to leave the Cavaliers. Raab, feeling betrayed by James's choice to leave Cleveland, uses his prestigious and wild background in journalism to pursue the truth about LeBron James and his relationship to his home state of Ohio. This book is great for fans of basketball, sports writing, gonzo journalism, and those interested in reading about the singular obsession that comes from passionately loving a sports team.

(This book may contain a sharpie mark on the top or bottom edge and may show mild signs of shelfwear.)