Head of a Skeleton With a Burning Cigarette
by teNeues Author
This journal has the cover of the early work of art of Vincent van Gogh Skull of a Skeleton with Burning Cigarette (Kop van een skelet met brandende sigaret). The size of the journal (8.30' x 5.7') isn't too much smaller than the original (13.0' x 9.6') housed in the permanent collection in the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam. For fans of Van Gogh, for someone edgy inspired by satirical comments on conservative academic practices, or anyone who needs a journal, this showcases an ideal piece of historical art. The portrait itself was held by the artist's brother until his death, was subsequently inherited by two other van Goghs, until it was given to the aforementioned permanent collection. Often misinterpreted as a criticism of smoking, van Gogh himself was a smoker until death. Some consider it a memento mori or a vanitas painted in a point in time when the artist suffered from poor health and still smoked.
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