
Hyperbole and a Half Notepad (and Mouse Pad): 54 Sheets, 6 Designs

by Allie Brosh Author

You aren’t even going to believe this, but this product is both a mouse pad and a notepad. And if you're really creative, you might be able to use it as other sorts of pads too (hot pad, shoulder pad, brake pad [note: we heartily recommend not using this item as a brake pad]). If you choose to use this product for its intended purpose, you can spend each week writing whatever you want, and then tear off the sheet for a new place to write whatever you want. Or you can do that sooner than every week. It’s your notepad. We aren't trying to tell you how to use it.

(This book may contain a small, black sharpie mark on the bottom edge, so that it can't be returned to a different wholesaler.)