Zapatista DVD

Zapatista DVD

by Big Noise Author

An incredible film documenting the first four years of the Zapatista uprising, from '94–98. Includes interviews with Subcomandante Marcos, Insurgent leaders Tach and Ana Maria, Chiapas Dominican priest Pablo Romo, Zach De La Rocha from Rage Against The Machine, Noam Chomsky, civilian commantes David and Zebedeo, Medea Benjamin, and more. Narration is by Edward James Olmos, Daryl Hannah, Geronimo Pratt, and Mumia Abu Jamal. Rage Against the Machine, Neil Young, and Ozomotli provide the soundtrack. A class production in every way. New DVD extras include unreleased interviews with Subcommandante Marcos and the Commandancia of the EZLN, new shorts, action guide, and photo slideshow.