Going Postal #2

Going Postal #2

by Kristoffer Mininger Author

From Spain comes Going Postal, devoted to mail art, and mail art history! This issue has two different covers by two different mail artists. The one depicted is by NEOSHO and the second was made by Gianni Simone of Call and Response zine. Dale Speirs reviews the book The Postal Age: The Emergence of Modern Communications in Nineteenth-Century America. A portion of Paul Auster's the Red Notebook is excerpted. Donny Smith gives a history of Valerie Solanas and her SCUM Manifesto. There's a history of the rubber stamp, and the wonderful Luke Sinclair of Australia's Sticky Zine Shop is interviewed. There's a Murder Can Be Fun excerpt about a postal massacre, and thoughts about the future of mail art. It's enough to make you want to send some snail mail!