Hack This Zine #8

Hack This Zine #8

Hack This Zine's mission statement reads as follows, “To research, create and disseminate information, tools, and tactics that empower people to use technology in a way that is liberating. We support and strengthen our local communities through education and action. We strive to learn from each other and focus our skills toward creative goals, to explore and research positive hacktivism, and to defend a free internet and free society.” Each issue is decidedly different, tackling new topics and delving into relevant debate. This time around they've got a piece on WikiLeaks, an essay on “hacktivism,” a feature on how to protect your web folders, and much more. Whether you're a total wired-in hackerdude/dudette or totally clueless about the keyboard in front of you, Hack This Zine has some kind of liberation and inspiration for everyone. Will the revolution take place over electronic wires? If so, HTZ's got your back! As the back cover essay concludes, “Exploit code ... not people!”