Title text depicted in black silhouette of a gravestone over a background of macabre cartoon illustrations.

Rot and Roll: Natural Burial and the Funeral-Industrial Complex

by Maggot O. Gray Author

Wondering if green burial is for you? Or maybe you’ve never even heard of it. Either way, Ricky the friendly zombie is here to give you the low-down on why traditional burial and cremation aren’t the only options for what happens to your body when you die. After a jaunt through the history of the United States funeral industry, Ricky walks you through the pros and cons of the different types of traditional and natural burial—from cremation to aquamation and beyond—to help you make the best choice for yourself (and the planet) as you plan for your inevitable demise.

  • Rot and Roll: Natural Burial and the Funeral-Industrial Complex image #1
  • Rot and Roll: Natural Burial and the Funeral-Industrial Complex image #2
  • Rot and Roll: Natural Burial and the Funeral-Industrial Complex image #3

Comments & Reviews


Freaking ordering this immediately