datacide sixteen: magazine for noise & politics

datacide sixteen: magazine for noise & politics

by Christoph Fringeli Author

datacide sixteen: magazine for noise & politics is a European magazine full of political articles, book and music reviews, art and comics.

Issue sixteen discusses politics such as what happened at Brexit, the growing mobilization of the alt-right, the propaganda of fear mongering and xenophobia used by current political leaders across nations, education in England.

Book reviews cover titles such as Angry White People: Coming Face-to_Face with the British Far Right by Hsiao-Hung Pai, Undeclared Wars with Israel 1967-1989 by Jeffrey Herf, Siege Mentality by Mason, Manson, and Moynihan and more.

Music reviews covers over 70 artists including artists like Aquarian, Broken Haze, DCult, and Gomes.

The comic A Breakcore Saga by Simon Lejeune is a cool politico/intergalactic rock opera...maybe.