Paperback Crush: The Totally Radical History of '80s and '90s Teen Fiction
by Gabrielle Moss Author
If you absorbed Sweet Valley High, the Babysitters Club, and Goosebumps, this smartly irreverent history will bring you back. Or if you didn't get to read them at the time, now you can finally figure out what the fuss was all about with this fun, entertaining, and earnest history of 80's and 90's tween and teen paperback novels. Paperback Crush is all about the novels and series that you could get for cheap and lose yourself in for hours. Explore the classics from this era and their spin-offs with Gabrielle Moss, an author of books like GLOP: Nontoxic and Expensive Ideas That Will Make You Look Ridiculous, and the features editor for Bustle, as she brings you on a trip down memory lane, where you can explore your old favorites or learn about some hidden gems. Loved horsey novels? Moss has got you. How about the books intended to scare you into being well-behaved? There's so much here!
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