A creative potato holds a pen and guitar

Creative, Not Famous Activity Book: An Interactive Idea Generator for Small Potatoes & Others Who Want to Get Their Ayuss in Gear

by Ayun Halliday Author

Explore unexpected creative inspiration

Are you a small potato, pursuing your creative passions without expectations of fame or fortune? This playful workbook is designed to help adults with years of creative experience explore unconsidered art forms, amp up your creative approach, and wrangle your personal triumphs into a sustained and fulfilling practice. Interactive exercises and assignments will inspire you to write, draw, sing, rhyme, craft, improvise, observe, engage, document and express yourself in every medium imaginable. Get out of your rut, embrace your inner child, and see which seeds will bear the fruit of larger projects. Prepare to discover fun ways to increase your creative visibility, live by the Golden Rule, and expand your community. Ayun Halliday, inveterate multidisciplinary creatress and author of Creative, Not Famous: The Small Potato Manifesto, made this exuberant, hilarious, and fun guide for anyone ready to subvert creative business and branding advice and realize a deeper relationship with their own uniquely weird and wonderful creativity.