
A Cart Full of Magic: Your Secret Supermarket Shopping List

by Ileana Abrev Author

Bring some magic to your weekly trip to the grocery store—thus improving your mood, finances, love, and spiritual health. Ileana Abrev takes you down every aisle—inner and outer—of a typical supermarket, providing detailed lists and explanations of how to use common items to add a spark of magic to your life. You'll find effective spells and charms that only need simple and easy-to-find ingredients. Discover how to use a tomato for prosperity, a safety pin for protection, a carnation for healing, and more. Includes topics and activities such as spiritually cleansing your home, color magic, moon phases, and zodiac signs.

(This book may contain a small, black sharpie mark on the bottom edge, so that it can't be returned to a different wholesaler.)