Beer: Taste the Evolution in 50 Styles
by Natalya Watson Author
This interactive guide explores the history and evolution of beer, tracing its journey from the 1600s in the UK to modern-day innovations. It covers key beer styles such as German lagers, stouts, IPAs, and sour beers, focusing on how the ingredients—malt, water, hops, and yeast—evolved over time to create new flavors and styles. Each chapter introduces a key ingredient and pairs it with a modern beer, allowing readers to taste the history and changes that have shaped beer. With five centuries of information, fun facts, and 50 beers to sample, the book offers an engaging exploration of beer's cultural and culinary significance. It’s an informative and flavorful journey through one of the world’s oldest beverages.
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Comments & Reviews
The issues raised by the book—the ways women, in struggling together with others for broader freedoms, were effectively required to challenge traditional roles, and the ways those challenges were resisted, accepted and or incorporated—take on ever more resonance in the contemporary world. For, of course, women have been active in armed resistance, not only in Europe, but also in Algeria, Kuwait, Iraq, Palestine, Nicaragua, Argentina, Peru, and Mexico. The list goes on, but attention to the ways women's participation shapes broader movements and changes the lives of those women is still relatively uncommon. If this book highlights those questions again, and leads others to explore further the multiple dimensions of resistance and its multilayered impacts on participants, it will make a further, and continuing, contribution both to scholarship and to political struggle.