a bamboo ladle over a ceramic mug

The Japanese Tea Ceremony: Cha-no-Yu and the Zen Art of Mindfulness

by A. L. Sadler Author

An examination of the five-centuries-old tea ceremony—or Cha-no-Yu in Japanese, literally "hot water for tea"—a cornerstone of Japanese culture and a core practice of Zen Buddhism. Framed by intricately choreographed steps, the tea ceremony is as much about the search for enlightenment as it is about serving tea. As the water is heated and the tea is served, the ultimate goal is losing the sense of self while gaining inner peace. This comprehensive book offers notes about the history and importance of the tea ceremony, as well as detailed descriptions of how it is performed, including furniture, utensils, and teahouses, and the associated arts of architecture, flower arranging, gardening, and crafts. (This book may contain a small, black sharpie mark on the bottom edge, so that it can't be returned to a different wholesaler.) (Short Discount)