words spelled out in honeycomb

A World Without Bees

by Allison Benjamin Author and Brian McCallum Author

From Los Angeles to London, from Slovenia to Taiwan, honeybees are dying. In America alone, one in three hives was left lifeless at the end of 2008; in France, the death rate is closer to 60%. What is behind the catastrophe? Writers and beekeepers Benjamin and McCallum have traveled across Europe and North America investigating the plight of the honeybee. In these pages, they address different causes for this growing catastrophe, including viruses, parasites, pesticides, climate change, and the demands of commercial beekeeping. They offer global and local perspectives on the importance of bees to human life, and inspire us to take action to protect our pollinators before it's too late.

(This book may contain a small, black sharpie mark on the bottom edge, so that it can't be returned to a different wholesaler.)