Wiccan Feasts, Celebrations, & Rituals: Make the Most of Special Days with Witchy Rites, Decorations, and Herbal Magic Touches
by Silja Author
Celebrate all the Wiccan sabbats as well as significant events and seasons in your own and your community's life, with the guidance of respected pagan practitioner Silja. You likely already know about Samhain (aka Halloween) and maybe Yule, Ostera, and Beltain as well as the year's two Solstices. Learn to appropriately see the Wheel of the Year through its passage with rituals, food, drink, crafts, gatherings, and solitary observances. This book contains recipes, DIY instructions, and spells for every holiday, and also practical and spiritual advice for observances such as handfasting, welcoming a new baby, ushering in menopause, and memorializing someone's passing. Silja also encourages you to create your own daily, weekly, or monthly rituals to suit your personal circumstances and needs.
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