a saw, a rope, some photographs, a jacket, a mask, some sneakers, and a newspaper all interspersed around the words of the title

Killer Collections: Dark Artifacts from True Crime

by Paul Gambino Author

True crime fans everywhere will get a kick out of this somewhat sinister volume. Author Paul Gambino has compiled a collection of artifacts and paraphernalia that were part of some of the most horrifying criminal acts of the last few centuries. From the Kansas City Butcher's circular saw, to Charles Manson's ashes, Gambino has gained access to photographs of these storied objects and showcases them here for the first time. In Killer Collections, you'll hear the stories of infamous criminals such as Dahmer, Gacy, Bundy, and many more, and get a glimpse of never-before-seen photographs of objects tangential to their crimes. A spooky gift for the true crime fan in your life, whether that's you or someone else.