
Vegan Freak: Being Vegan in a Non-Vegan World

by Bob Torres Author and Jenna Torres Author

At one time or another, every vegan has felt like an outsider, even in places where they're supposed to feel comfortable.  This book is written to help you embrace your inner vegan freak.  Written by people all along the continuum of veganism—though there is a special focus towards young, independent minded, tattooed vegans--this book is full of practical tips, advice, stories, and comprehensive lists of resources, all meant to keep vegan readers sane, happy, and healthy in a non-vegan world.  Witty, opinionated, and eminently useful, this book's informal yet practical tone is refreshing after a long list of other less reader-friendly books of this sort.  Note:  This edition includes revised, expanded, and updated material.