Wicca: Powerful Practices from the Magical Craft
by Marie Bruce Author
This is a beginners look into looking at Wicca as a magical system that links together spells, ritual, celebration, and veneration of nature. This work looks at this lifestyle as a way of living more mindfully — honoring the changing of the seasons and passage of time, the phases of the moon and the turning tides. It calls to be lead lives less enmeshed in technologically driven world of today and looks into leading more present-centered lives connected with nature. This book will show the reader how to perform different spells and rituals, create a Book of shades or an altar, draw energy from celestial bodies, and practice different forms of divination. This version has gold embossing and has been formatted in a way to make a suitable gift to a witchy person.
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Comments & Reviews
It is not a choice, the color of your skin and your race determine how far you will make it in this world!
The use of the word "Poor" is used badly here as I believe the intention is to suggest that living a full life without much money or choosing to live such a life is an art. I am guessing that most "poor" people find their situation to be negative and something they would be happy to leave (see the sticker about the lottery on this site). It's not as catchy, but I would rather see something like-living well is not the same as being rich
kudos chloe, i hear you.
Hell, after awhile surviving it becomes an art even if you don't have a choice...
If it's a choice...