Inconspicuous Consumption: The Environmental Impact You Don't Know You Have
by Tatiana Schlossberg Author
This a book about the impact of our consumer choices on the environment, the planet and communities around it. The author divides this book of our choices into four ccsategories: the internet and technology, food, fashion, and fuel. She creates explanations for why it is that eating a hamburger in California contributes to Gulf of Mexico pollution, how fast fashion in a Chicago strip mall contributes to desertification in Mongolia, why deforestation in North Carolina is part of the necessary chain we’ve created to generate electricity in England. Taking examples such as those Tatiana Schlossberg is advocating for the reader to become better informed on their choices so that in turn the reader can make better choices — or at the very least (for starters) more lucid ones. Ultimately, her advocacy lies in carrying through the message that we live in a very interdependent world and that if we have any hope of ameliorating the problems around climate change, these solutions will have to be collective and at many levels of culture and society.
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Comments & Reviews
No it dosen't, it's talking about the cultural Americanisation of other countries, culture exportation. Of course, the TV also does this enormously...
If I'm wrong please let me know fast.
It means the cloning of the world, as well.