Song of Increase: Listening to the Wisdom of Honeybees for a Kinder Beekeeping and a Better World
by Jacqueline Freeman Author
The “song of increase” is the most joyful emanation produced by a colony of bees. It declares that the hive is flourishing and the bees are happy in its abundance.
Within the pages of Song of Increase is a bee-centric approach to living with honeybees, rather than advice for simply maximizing the products they provide. Jacqueline Freeman takes us beyond traditional beekeeping and offers a way to work in harmony with honeybees for both their good and ours. “Our way is one of kind observation,” she explains, “where we create supportive homes and fields for bees to live in, as well as tend the heartfelt relationships we form by being together.”
Song of Increase takes us inside the world of the honeybee to glean the wisdom of these fascinating creatures with whom humanity has shared a sacred bond for millennia.
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