How to Develop a Brilliant Memory Toolkit: Tips, Tricks and Techniques to Remember Names, Words, Facts, Figures, Faces and Speeches

How to Develop a Brilliant Memory Toolkit: Tips, Tricks and Techniques to Remember Names, Words, Facts, Figures, Faces and Speeches

by Dominic O'Brien Author

A training cardset from eight-time World Memory Champion Dominic O'Brien, to help you learn his system designed for quickly and permanently memorizing anything. Whether you want to beat the casino at blackjack, ace any test, never have to look up stuff at work again, or just impress your friends, this set of techniques are designed to substantially improve your memory performance. Includes flash cards, associations for every number through 100, and a bunch of tips and techniques for making it work for you.

(This book may contain a small, black sharpie mark on the bottom edge, so that it can't be returned to a different wholesaler.)