Patch #008Longhair on Bicycle
Attention all! There’s been a hack in the system and we figured out how to save the planet while living cheaper. It’s bicycling! Celebrate freedom on your dutch-style upright citybike! Live free for cheap! Enjoy life! And most of all, stay safe.
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Comments & Reviews
ok. homework assignment BAW. next time you're unsure of someone's gender (or sex, given that you fail to see the difference), go up to them and ask to see their genitals if it's so important to you. failing that, inspect their chromosomes. yeah, really basic.
XX vs XY Even more basic.
sociology classes are great for rich kids to feel good about themselves. do you think starving people, fighting for survival, trying to stay unraped and unkilled give a shit about womens rights issues. you're confusing what the world needs with what spoiled yuppie larvae need.
The comments on this site are so good. Always. <3
you guys AND girls are so silly.
amen genderqueer. i think the world would be a better place if everyone took gender focusing sociology classes.
Um. Dangly and nondangly bits, as you so eloquently call genitals, would be relevant if you were talking about sex and not gender. Gender is much more complex than what's between someone's legs.
False division? It is pretty basic. What is the first question we ask about a newborn baby? Males have the dangly bits, females have the nondangly ones. Males make babies, females birth babies. That's pretty basic.
"Gender is another false division of life into arbitrary categories - in order to define us against each other in the interests of power."
i would say the point is NOT to gender the picture, calling the person male or female, because that's exclusive. some people don't fit into either side, what are they supposed to do? so this is just a person on a bike and that's why it's good.
Haha, I was actually going to comment on a t-shirt asking for something showing a "women's" bike. I'm a guy, but I don't want the "man bar" of a men's bicycle racking me if I hit my brakes to hard...
what does that have to do with taking herself seriously, it's more about being a woman and being taken seriously... and being asked to be called a person not a woman, is not a joke. IT IS SERIOUS . most people in this society believe woman is less of a person. well , duh! =)
This person cannot be sexed. Take a good look and consider whether this silhouette shows any specific reproductive organs. Men wear long hair and can ride "Women's" bicycles, too.
Are you kidding? Gender the titles...take yourself less seriously.
I noticed that many of the patches you sell that picture a person wearing a dress, having breasts, or long hair has the word "woman" in the title. I was wondering if you wouldn't gender the titles.
Bad girl....she should wear a helmet!