BUGA UP australian radical graffiti collective poster

B.U.G.A. U.P. poster

B.U.G.A. U.P. AUSTRALIA: Formed in 1978 by a group of health professionals and others disgusted at the prevalence of tobacco advertising, Billboard-Utilizing Graffitists Against Unhealthy Promotions (B.U.G.A. U.P.) rapidly made their mark on hoardings around the nation. By cleverly revising advertising slogans and disrupting tobacco sponsored events, the group revealed the true cost of tobacco company deception. Having racked up numerous fines and arrests over its 10 year existence, B.U.G.A. U.P. formally wound up in 1994 as federal and state governments finally began to take action to ban tobacco advertising in newspapers and magazines, on billboards, television and radio.

*Have your poster shipped in a Poster Tube for extra protection! Posters not shipped in tubes will be folded in half for packaging and are more subject to wear while shipping.*

Comments & Reviews


It is great to now have an Australian link to the "Celebrate People's History" project. Tom Civil has done some sweet design on the poster too.