
NXOEED: Issue 1

by James B. Hunt Author

A record in words and pictures of 14 months in the working life of James B. Hunt, aka NXOEED. He books punk shows, illustrates and designs promotional posters, photocopies them at the 24 hour place, and bikes around Phoenix putting them up on telephone poles and flyer kiosks. "Friends tell me... I should take that copy machine money and put it in Facebook ads," he writes in the intro. "What they don't understand is that I'm pathological. I don't make the poster because I need to promote a show. I book the show because I need to make the poster." The results are alien and unforgettable. Several of those posters are reproduced here, along with band logos James drew, 5 pages of free clip art (including two sets of letters) that you can copy and rearrange to make your own band posters, finger puppets, comics panels brooding on money and art, and some day-in-the-life essays of a bike-mounted punk artist. An awesome resource and zine from an underground artist we hope to see more from.