Xerography Debt #28
by Davida G. Breier Author
Opening with a long musing about the importance of recorded history through zine reviews, the next issue of the Review zine with Perzine tendences, catapults us into reading about all kinds of exciting new zines we've never heard of! There's also columns, humor, and smart folks cluin' us in on all the brand new stuff that rules. In this issue, the "where are they now" (what some former zinesters are up to) feature continues and then we are treated to reviews of such fine new zines as Burn Collector, Proof I Exist, How To Make Soap, Henry & Glenn Forever, and many more! Remember folks, an angry young person in Kansas will always have more interesting things to say than an offset music magazine! Send your own zine for review to: Davida Gypsy Breier / PO Box 11064 / Baltimore, MD 21212
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