
Ask Baba Yaga: Otherworldly Advice for Everyday Troubles

by Taisia Kitaiskaia Author

In case you've never heard of the Baba Yaga, she was a wise witch in old Slavic fairytales that many sought out for wisdom or guidance. While it may be a bit dark and quirky, this little book packs a punch when it comes to life advice. Answering the hard questions like "Will I die alone?," "Should I have broken up with him?," and "How do I end an affair?" Ask Baba Yaga covers a range of advice, with solutions presented as poetic, metaphorical truths.

Born in Russia, Taisia Kitaiskaia grew up in the states, publishing Literary Witches and her poetry. Consequently, the beautiful phrasing and witchy context seems to come naturally in Kitaiskaia's life advice book.