
Advertising Shits in Your Head

by Vyvian Raoul Author and Matt Bonner Author

Advertisements are a manipulative tool used with and without our permission, to control us. We know this. Let's do something about it, or at least read about those who are. Included in this DIY guide is interviews with people out there resisting, with remedy tips, and case studies. Did you know that most outdoor advertisement venues (billboards, bus stops, etc) are owned by a handful of corporations and once you get (or make) keys that fit one or two locks, you can access them in cities around the world? YOU can stop corporate bullshit AND get your own message/art out there! You're welcome. 

Get insight into the resistant groups fighting for our minds and watch how this culture is thriving, fighting and resisting. Be inspired by this well-written & thoughtfully illustrated book.

Comments & Reviews


Terrific book, lots of photos/art and PRACTICAL tips for changing the world around you. Remember, it's not vandalism if you're IMPROVING the billboard, and you're not trespassing if it's public space...